Summarize species catch
summarizes catch (or other numeric variables) in the
main table. It can summarize by period if date
is provided, grouping
variables, and filter by period or value. There are several options for
customizing the table and plot output.
date = NULL,
period = NULL,
fun = "sum",
group = NULL,
sub_date = NULL,
filter_date = NULL,
date_value = NULL,
filter_by = NULL,
filter_value = NULL,
filter_expr = NULL,
facet_by = NULL,
type = "bar",
conv = "none",
tran = "identity",
format_lab = "decimal",
value = "count",
position = "stack",
combine = FALSE,
scale = "fixed",
output = "tab_plot",
format_tab = "wide"
date = NULL,
period = NULL,
fun = "sum",
group = NULL,
sub_date = NULL,
filter_date = NULL,
date_value = NULL,
filter_by = NULL,
filter_value = NULL,
filter_expr = NULL,
facet_by = NULL,
type = "bar",
conv = "none",
tran = "identity",
format_lab = "decimal",
value = "count",
position = "stack",
combine = FALSE,
scale = "fixed",
output = "tab_plot",
format_tab = "wide"
dat |
Primary data containing information on hauls or trips.
Table in FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.
project |
String, name of project.
species |
Variable in dat containing the species catch or a vector
of species variables (in pounds).
date |
Variable in dat containing dates to aggregate by.
period |
Time period to count by. Options include 'year', 'month', 'week'
(week of the year), 'weekday', 'day' (day of the month), and 'day_of_year'.
date is required.
fun |
String, name of function to aggregate by. Defaults to
sum .
group |
Grouping variable name(s). Up to two grouping variables are available
for line plots and one for bar plots. For bar plots, if only one species is
entered the first group variable is passed to 'fill'. If multiple species are
entered, species is passed to "fill" and the grouping variable is dropped.
An exception occurs when facetting by species, then the grouping variable is
passed to "fill". For line plots, the first grouping variable is passed to
"fill" and the second to "linetype" if a single species column is entered or
if facetting by species. Otherwise species is passed to "fill", the first
group variable to "linetype", and second is dropped.
sub_date |
Date variable used for subsetting, grouping, or splitting by date.
filter_date |
The type of filter to apply to 'MainDataTable'. To filter by a
range of dates, use filter_date = "date_range" . To filter by a given
period, use "year-day", "year-week", "year-month", "year", "month", "week",
or "day". The argument date_value must be provided.
date_value |
This argument is paired with filter_date . To filter
by date range, set filter_date = "date_range" and enter a start- and
end-date into date_value as a string:
date_value = c("2011-01-01", "2011-03-15") .
To filter by period (e.g. "year", "year-month"), use integers (4 digits if year, 1-2
digits if referencing a day, month, or week). Use a vector if filtering by
a single period: date_filter = "month" and date_value = c(1, 3, 5) .
This would filter the data to January, March, and May.
Use a list if using a year-period type filter, e.g. "year-week", with the
format: list(year, period) . For example, filter_date = "year-month"
and date_value = list(2011:2013, 5:7) will filter the data table from
May through July for years 2011-2013.
filter_by |
String, variable name to filter 'MainDataTable' by. the argument
filter_value must be provided.
filter_value |
A vector of values to filter 'MainDataTable' by using the
variable in filter_by . For example, if filter_by = "GEAR_TYPE" ,
filter_value = 1 will include only observations with a gear type of 1.
filter_expr |
String, a valid R expression to filter 'MainDataTable' by
using the variable in filter_by .
facet_by |
Variable name to facet by. Accepts up to two variables. These
can be variables that exist in the dat , or a variable created by
species_catch() such as "year" , "month" , or "week"
if a date variable is added to sub_date . Facetting by "species"
is available if multiple catch columns are included in "species" . The
first variable is facetted by row and the second by column.
type |
Plot type, options include "bar" (the default) and "line" .
conv |
Convert catch variable to "tons" , "metric_tons" , or
by using a function entered as a string. Defaults to "none" for no
tran |
A function to transform the y-axis. Options include log, log2,
log10, sqrt.
format_lab |
Formatting option for y-axis labels. Options include
"decimal" or "scientific" .
value |
Whether to calculate raw "count" or "percent" of
total catch.
position |
Positioning of bar plot. Options include 'stack', 'dodge',
and 'fill'.
combine |
Whether to combine variables listed in group . This is
passed to the "fill" or "color" aesthetic for plots.
scale |
Scale argument passed to facet_grid . Defaults to
"fixed" .
output |
Output a "plot" or "table" . Defaults
to both ("tab_plot" ).
format_tab |
How table output should be formatted. Options include 'wide'
(the default) and 'long'.
aggregates catch using one or more columns of
catch data. Users can aggregate by time period, by group, or by both. When
multiple catch variables are entered, a new column "species" is created and
used to group values in plots. The "species" column can also be used to split
(or facet) the plot. For table output,
the "species" column will be kept if format_tab = "long"
, i.e. a column
of species names ("species") and a column containing catch ("catch"). When
format_tab = "wide"
, each species is given its own column of catch.
The data can be filtered by date and/or by a variable. filter_date
specifies the type of date filter to apply–by date-range or by period.
should contain the values to filter the data by. To filter
by a variable, enter its name as a string in filter_by
and include the
values to filter by in filter_value
Plots can handle Up to two grouping variables, there is no limit for tables.
Grouping variables can be merged into one variable using combine
; in
this case any number of variables can be joined, but no more than three is
For faceting, any variable (including ones listed in group
can be used, but "year", "month", "week" are also available provided a date
variable is added to sub_date
. Currently, combined variables cannot be
faceted. A list containing a table and plot are printed to the console and
viewer by default.
## Not run:
# summarizing one catch column by one group variable
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
group = "GEAR_TYPE", ouput = "tab_plot")
# summarizing three catch columns by month
species = c('HAUL_LBS_270_POLLOCK_LBS',
date = 'HAUL_DATE', period = 'month_num', output = 'plot',
conv = 'tons')
# filtering by variable
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
group = "GEAR_TYPE", filter_by = "PORT_CODE",
filter_value = "Dutch Harbor")
# filtering by date
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
sub_date = "HAUL_DATE", filter_date = "month", date_value = 7:10)
## End(Not run)
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
group = "GEAR_TYPE", ouput = "tab_plot")
species = c('HAUL_LBS_270_POLLOCK_LBS',
date = 'HAUL_DATE', period = 'month_num', output = 'plot',
conv = 'tons')
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
group = "GEAR_TYPE", filter_by = "PORT_CODE",
filter_value = "Dutch Harbor")
species_catch(pollockMainDataTable, species = "OFFICAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT",
sub_date = "HAUL_DATE", filter_date = "month", date_value = 7:10)