Title: | Functions For Simulating Fish Populations And Estimating Life History Parameters |
Description: | An individual-based model (IBM) incorporating within-population variability in von Bertalanffy growth, size-dependent natural mortality, and a size-selective fishery to simulate an exploited fish population and catch (harvest). A bootstrap algorithm allows the user to investigate various sampling approaches including sampling strategy (proportional or fixed otolith sampling, POS or FOS, respectively), sample size, supplementation with fishery-independent sampling, and assumptions regarding von Bertalanffy t0 and the relationship between variance of length at age and age. A function to produce plots of the bootstrap sampling results is also provided. |
Authors: | Eva Schemmel [aut, cre], Erin Bohaboy [aut] |
Maintainer: | Eva Schemmel <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2024-12-19 05:08:25 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/NOAA-LHP/LHsampling |
A function that produces plots from the output of LH_sample().
LH_plot <- function(sample_output, output_type = 'none')
LH_plot <- function(sample_output, output_type = 'none')
sample_output |
Output from LH_sample() |
output_type |
How plots are written and saved: ‘none’ displays in R graphics device only, ’pdf’ produces a single .pdf with all plots, and ‘png' produces a separate .png for each plot. |
A bootstrap sampling routine to estimate life history parameters from fishery catches simulated by simulate_population_harvest(). This function will take n_boots samples (without replacement) from the harvested individuals following either a fixed otolith sampling (FOS) or proportional otolith sampling (POS) strategy. The function then parameterizes the von Bertalanffy growth function and estimates the population coefficient of variation of length at age for each bootstrap sample.
LH_sample <- function(sim_output, n_boots, samp_size, sample_type, supp_large = FALSE, supp_large_n_per_bin = 3, supp_small = FALSE, supp_small_n_per_bin = 3, supp_min_length = 2, constrained = FALSE, t0 = 0, SD_L_const = TRUE, save_bootstraps = FALSE, Amax = NULL, age_max = NULL, Lbin_width = 2)
LH_sample <- function(sim_output, n_boots, samp_size, sample_type, supp_large = FALSE, supp_large_n_per_bin = 3, supp_small = FALSE, supp_small_n_per_bin = 3, supp_min_length = 2, constrained = FALSE, t0 = 0, SD_L_const = TRUE, save_bootstraps = FALSE, Amax = NULL, age_max = NULL, Lbin_width = 2)
sim_output |
output from simulate_population_harvest() |
n_boots |
number of bootstraps for von Bertalanffy growth function |
sample_type |
The sampling strategy to be used, either proportional otolith sampling (‘POS’) or fixed otolith sampling (‘FOS’) |
supp_large |
TRUE / FALSE specifying whether supplemental samples will be collected from large length bins |
supp_large_n_per_bin |
The number of samples per length bin to be collected from large bins (ignored if supp_large = FALSE) |
supp_small |
TRUE / FALSE specifying whether supplemental samples will be collected from small length bins |
supp_small_n_per_bin |
The number of samples per length bin to be collected from small bins (ignored if supp_small = FALSE) |
supp_min_length |
The minimum length fish that could be collected from the wild fish population |
constrained |
TRUE / FALSE specifying whether theoretical time at length zero (t0) should be estimated |
t0 |
If constrained = TRUE, the fixed value for t0 (typically 0) |
SD_L_const |
TRUE / FALSE describing assumptions of population variance in length at age. If TRUE, then standard deviation (√𝜎𝜎2) of length at age is assumed a linear function of age. If FALSE, then the coefficient of variation of length at age is assumed a linear function of age. |
save_bootstraps |
TRUE / FALSE specifying whether all bootstrap samples will be included in the function output |
Amax |
Maximum longevity (years). If not specified, this value is taken from sim_output. |
age_max |
An arbitrary age selected to represent “old” fish (years). If not specified, this value is taken from sim_output. |
Lbin_width |
The width of each length bin (cm). |
Simulated population for Prisitpomoides auricilla under low fishing mortality (half of natural mortality) using life history parameters from O'Malley et al. 2019 (S1_Auric_lowF).
$population (dataframe: $age, $length): the simulated population
$harvest (dataframe: $age, $length): the simulated harvest
$Avg_age (dataframe: $Ages, $L_age, $M_age, and $Selex): characteristics of the simulated population at age
$parameters named list of 19 elements including all input parameters used in the simulation and the simulated population coefficient of variation of length at age_max and age_0
Schemmel E., Bohaboy E., Kinney M., O'Malley J. (2022) An assessment of sampling strategies for estimating fish growth from fishery-dependent samples.ICES 79(5):1497-1514
This is a IBM to generate a population and catch from the population
simulate_population_harvest( Linf, Linf_sd, M, Lorenzen, F, mincat, catsd, maxcat, maxcatsd, L0, L0_sd, k, k_sd, Amax, age_max, N )
simulate_population_harvest( Linf, Linf_sd, M, Lorenzen, F, mincat, catsd, maxcat, maxcatsd, L0, L0_sd, k, k_sd, Amax, age_max, N )
Linf |
Von Bertalanffy theoretical asymptotic length (cm) |
Linf_sd |
Population standard deviation of asymptotic length (cm) |
M |
Instantaneous natural mortality rate (yr-1) |
Lorenzen |
TRUE / FALSE specifying whether natural mortality is a function of individual length following Lorenzen (Lorenzen, 2000; Lorenzen, 2005) |
F |
Apical (fully selected) instantaneous fishing mortality rate (yr-1) |
mincat |
Minimum length at 50% fishery selectivity (cm) |
catsd |
Slope of the ascending region of selectivity at length (cm), see details |
maxcat |
Maximum length at 50% fishery selectivity (cm) |
maxcatsd |
Slope of the descending region of selectivity at length (cm), see details |
L0 |
Von Bertalanffy length at age 0 (cm) |
L0_sd |
Population standard deviation of length at age 0 (cm) |
k |
Von Bertalanffy growth coefficient |
k_sd |
Population standard deviation of Von Bertalanffy growth coefficient |
Amax |
Maximum longevity (years) |
age_max |
An arbitrary age selected to represent “old” fish (years) |
N |
The number of age 0 fish in each simulated cohort, typical value =100,000 |